Louise Wei


A mission to mobilise urban water system planning softwares

My Role

UI/UX Designer


Jan 2023 – Present


Figma, Adobe Suite


tMofy aims to develop a SAAS water modelling system, providing real-time simulation, and the freedom to access from any device, any platform.

I was brought into the team from the beginning of the project, and was able to participate and contribute to this exciting new challenge in the highly data-centric and professional field.

Problem statement

How might we provide a urban water planning tool to the researchers and consultants from the computer-bond environment to achieve more freedom on time and money?


Visualising the Agility: Flow

As we have planning meetings with the stakeholders, User Stories became more clear, together we de-compose and prioritise them, and I made flows for a clear visualisation as we moving into incremental development.

Lead-Generating Landing Page Design and Copy

Since we’re starting to develop, it make sense to have a landing page to generate leads along the way. After planning the future roadmap with the stakeholders, I started iterating on the landing page, I also wrote compelling and emotional-focused copy based on the marketing point of view. 

File system

Filing system is crucial, and high on the priorities, so I designed a file managing system with easy-to-use navigation and future extensions in mind.

The Future Awaits

Since it’s a working progress, so there’s no conclusion yet, but I enjoyed it very much to work from the ground up, and the opportunity to participate in it every step of the way, so I look forward to keep working with tMofy and achieve the Prove of Concept (POV) and eventually launch to its full potential.